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Norris Sales Party Rentals Website

Alongside programming their website, 4x3 also manages Norris Party's broadcast emails and social networking including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Amy Siano


4x3 programed an eCommerce-based CMS for Norris Sales Party Rentals. the website features products and product categories and is programed in the same fashion as an eCommerce website.

Norris Sales wanted to be able to provide potential clients with the ability to surf the site like an online store, but send a WishList to Norris Party instead of providing checkout. Clients can then get specialized service based on the nature of their order. 


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What I Learned at 4x3

The chart shows just a few of the many things I learned in the office. In the past few months I have also learned how to work as part of a design team and how to prepare for and take part in a meeting. Along with all of the things I have mentioned, I have also grown as a designer and as an individual. I had a wonderful experience and couldn't have asked for a better first internship.