The chart shows just a few of the many things I learned in the office. In the past few months I have also learned how to work as part of a design team and how to prepare for and take part in a meeting. Along with all of the things I have mentioned, I have also grown as a designer and as an individual. I had a wonderful experience and couldn't have asked for a better first internship.
The bar has been set for future employers, after working for Amy and Stephen I will be expecting a lot and am truly grateful that they gave me the opportunity to be a part of their team.
How to Work with an Art Director
Some of the things I learned from working with Amy as my art director include, how to work from a creative brief, that it is important to do multiple rounds of edits, helpful InDesign shortcuts, what to expect at a press check and that it is important to stand up and walk around the office (it will make you smart!).
How to Work with a Developer
When working with Stephen I learned: how important trial and error is, how to update different Drupal and CMS websites, to refresh pages constantly, and how to work with what feels like thousands of windows open.
Drupal Websites
I learned how to update, create and sort content on the websites for many of 4x3’s clients (ie - EPRU, National Arts Program, Morris Rugby, Ivy Rugby, My Favorite Plumber, Norris Sales and Norris Party Rentals).
Print & Digital Newsletters
I learned to design newsletters for both print (the National Arts Program Newsletter) and for digital use (the EPRU Rugby Report). I learned that designing a newsletter is basically designing a template, it must be easily updated and changed for every issue.
Email Etiquette
Not only did I learn how to have professional email correspondence with current and prospective clients, I also learned how long it can take to check and return emails in the morning.
From the moment I walked into the office I realized it’s a rugby world, all we do is live in it, but I still don’t think I could explain the difference between a scrum and a line out.
Who knew that I eould learn how to use Excel Spreadsheets better in a design and development office? (Thanks Stephen)
Christina Minopoli, 4x3 Summer Intern Philadelphia University '13