This is a question that I've been getting a lot lately from family, friends and curious underclassmen. So! Here's my little blog post about my internship with 4x3 :) I have a lot I wanna talk about, so I'll be splitting this post into two parts. This part will be about how I found it, and next will be about the internship and what I've learned from it.
Flashback to December 2013. I think the question in most, if not all, the junior design majors' minds was: "Where the heck am I going to get an internship???"
At that time I had started my search for a summer internship. (I know, December—that's really early, Kristina!) I had just finished my first real Web design course. I was pretty stoked about CSS and building sites and I was already registered for an interactive class for next semester. I was open to any design internship, but with my new love for Web, I felt like a Web design internship would be a great way to grow.
Anywho, around that time one of my professors posted an internship opening for 4x3 on LinkedIn. I had heard of 4x3 before, just wasn't sure where (later I realized my very awesome-talented-lovely-cool friend Carol Ly had interned there before and I remembered she had mentioned 4x3 a couple times). What first caught my attention was the location and the fact that it was a web design firm. I am also from the Main Line so it's pretty close (takes less than 10 min. for me to get here!). I did some research on 4x3, and what really got me was the amount and the variety of work they've done in web. So many different clients! So, I sent a pdf of some of my work to Amy hoping for a possible reply...and I got a reply the next day!
I think I interviewed two weeks later at the firm with Amy, Rachel, and Stephen. I was a bit nervous. I've never presented my design work for a job before. But as soon as I walked in I already liked the work atmosphere. Everyone was so chill and by the end we were talking about the most recent episode of Sherlock. What surprised me was the amount of print projects they've also done along with their web work. And as a design student I thought it would be a great opportunity to practice and use my web and print skills. After the interview, I felt like I was a good fit for 4x3 and I was really excited to start working for them in May :)
Stay tuned for Part II: Design Internship, Part II »