4x3 is proud to announce the launch of the new National Arts Program® website. The new site has been completely redesigned and reprogrammed to update the visual design and layout to provide more impact and better showcase venues and artist work.
4x3 also reorganized the site architecture with a more focused emphasis on program venues and integrated a customized Drupal Content Management System (CMS) to provide more flexibility and better control of content. The site features secure login for artists to upload work to the collective online gallery showcase. The site currently showcases over 500 original works of art from over a hundred artists and and is growing every day. The operating mission of The National Arts Program® is to provide a free and uninhibited opportunity for participating visual artists to come forth with their talents, at their personal skill level, to be displayed professionally for public viewing.
By removing the obstacles to artistic expression, the Program gives participants a forum to expand and showcase their talent in the visual arts; this in turn gives them a sense of accomplishment, a sense of self-worth, and a more positive attitude in life. It is sponsored by the private National Arts Program Foundation, Malvern, PA.