Relevant and timeless content is invaluable when developing a brand. 4x3 develops custom, fully functional sites to manage content in a SEO-friendly and organized manner.
Developing Arizona Opera
In 2014, Arizona Opera was looking to upgrade its web presence and reorganize the large amount of content on its website. 4x3 partnered with Cause Design on the redesign, redevlopment and rearchitecture of azopera.org. The Arizona Opera website required an organized way to publish and manage everything from news and press releases to performances and events.
4x3 was up for the challenge!
4x3 developed a full site rebuild in Drupal, creating an inviting, user-friendly website for the opera's many visitors and stakeholders. We also integrated custom Drupal modules and and intelligent navigation tools to ease the burden of updates for this content-rich website and enhance the functionality of the site. The site can now be managed without any high-level programming expertise while remaining while fully incorporating responsive web design.
Due to the heavily content oriented aspect of the website, a high level or organization needed to be applied during the development process. We worked closely with Arizona Opera to create a detailed site map to guarantee a simple layout and easily navigated internal pages. This level organization was implemented in every step of development.
About Arizona Opera
Arizona Opera, originally the Tucson Opera Company, was founded in 1971 by a dedicated group of opera enthusiasts.
Since its inaugural year, Arizona Opera has produced over 170 fully-staged operas and concerts. The company’s artistic history is rich with a blend of opera’s traditional repertoire featuring baroque, bel canto, and verismo works, turn-of-the-century masterpieces, operettas, and American operas. Arizona Opera preforms complete seasons in both Tucson and Phoenix.
About Cause Design
Cause Design Company was founded by Principal and Creative Director Rodd Whitney, an award-winning designer who has more than 20 years of experience at the intersection of design and the corporate and non—profit sectors.
Years of Experience in Web Development
4x3 has been developing websites since it was founded. As an integral part of our web design process, 4x3 implements thoughtful web development during all phases or building and programming (or reprogramming) a website; including Drupal, eCommerce, and custom CMS.