4x3 is excited to launch the new site for The Center for Hunger Free Communities (CHFC). Over the course of the last few months, 4x3 worked with their partner SK Designworks to develop a website for The CHFC, part of Drexel University School of Public Health.
The CHFC is an organization dedicated to implementing research and action projects geared towards helping solve the challenges of hunger and economic insecurity in today's communities. Their projects are based in Philadelphia, but with the help of a new dynamic website from 4x3, they hope to expand to more cities and communities in years to come. The Center's work encompasses four projects, and 4x3's Drupal powered content management system displays each on the site in a well organized and easily updated way. One of these projects is the Witnesses to Hunger section, where the site reader can easily navigate through images of the mothers and children, personal testimonies, and video clips.
4x3 is always honored to do work for an organization that is doing so much good for the community, and is proud to launch this beautiful site in hopes that The CHFC can help even more people in need.