This is the second in a five part series on social networking and your website. There's a few simple things you need to do to your web page. Google demands it.
#2 Webpage Optimization
5 Ways to Draw Them In to Your Website 'Socially': Part 2
Let’s face it, when it comes to the World Wide Web, Google is king. People aren’t searching on the Internet anymore, they’re 'googling', and if you want them to find your site without going directly to it, Google is more than likely the engine that will drive them there.
SEO: Optimize Your Page
The concept of optimizing your page so that it will be ranked higher in a Google search seems completely incomprehensible to a lot of people. In fact I’d bet that outside of those of us who do this for a living, the term Meta tag might as well be Greek. The fact of the matter is, it’s really not that hard. It just takes a little common sense and some informative content and you too can master it.
Organizing Your Website Content
First things first, Google can’t find something that isn’t there. They might be good but they’re not that good. If you want your site to be listed when you search for a term or terms, it is important that those be emphasized content of your site. For example, if you want people to search for “used Buick” and find your page, you had better make sure that your page not only mentions used Buicks, but features them throughout.
Organizing Content is Vital
Organizing your content is an absolutely vital part of this process. In today’s world you’d be lucky if someone reads your page for more than a minute, so it’s best to make sure they see what you want them to see. Properly used headers can take your site over the top. When Google is searching through the cluttered internet, your clear organized headers will be like a street sign telling it to stop right there.
So let’s run through the steps of optimizing your webpage. While this concept is overall a pretty common sense idea, that’s not to say you can’t leave it to the professionals. We’re good at what we do, and we’d be glad to do it for you.
Optimizing your Webpage
Step 1: Content is Key!
Make sure that your page’s content is informative, well written, and factual.
Step 2: Organize!
Organize the content by using H1, H2, H3, etc. tags to create a hierarchy of information that setups your site in a way that Google can find it, and we can read it.
Step 3: Write a Meta Description
Write a meta description that summarizes the content of your page that utilizes key phrases, and entices users to read more on your page. This description is what Google uses as the text in their search result field.