These days, a good smartphone can last for a couple years — or until the battery life starts to die — and each software update can often bring you more problems than fixes. It's around this time when you start shopping around for a new phone, often the same brand, just a new model.
The same principal can be applied to websites.
A website, just like a smartphone, needs an upgrade every few years. In a world of quickly evolving technology, it is imperative to constantly update and improve your website. An untouched website will easily break in two years due to lack of CMS software updates or out-of-date design modifications.
Websites are Key for Good Marketing
Websites are a powerful marketing tool for businesses, giving you direct control over your message. A website gives you the opportunity to tell potential customers what you are about and why you deserve their trust and confidence.
- Audience Reach: The Internet has allowed businesses to break through geographical barriers, creating accessibility from virtually any location at any time. A website expands the life of your marketing campaigns, making advertisements available for a longer period of time and to a wider audience.
- Convenience: It is far more common and convenient for a person to research a business or product on the Internet than it is to visit a storefront or look up a number to call.
- Campaign Based: A Facebook page and Linkedin posts are not good enough. While you should effectively use social media in a marketing strategy, a website is still the center of your business.
A website serves as a home base to refer potential customers, to show what your company is about, what it has achieved and what your business plans to achieve.
The Benefits of a Website Redesign
A website, in today’s market, is an integral part of a company’s marketing strategy. It is no longer a luxury nor should it be an afterthought.
A website can often be the first chance your organization has to make an overall impression on your potential customer or client.
A website “redesign” doesn't necessarily mean that you completely scrap your old website and start anew. Many design elements, including brand and identity, can stay the same. But as your company and technology evolve, it is often necessary to make technical upgrades to make your website function effectively.
When to Redesign your Website
New website trends pop up every year; from long scrolling feeds that emulate social media to minimalist flushed-out homepages that highlight big ideas.
Just like smartphones, it is hard to resist the new model and features when it comes out. You want the new model because everyone is talking about it, but unless your phone is dying it often isn't economical to go out and buy the newest model on the market. In the same way we don’t recommend redesigning your website just to appear hip or cool to your clients.
A website redesign should signify a change for your company or brand, especially if:
- your website does not work on smartphones and tablets
- your organization needs a brand refresh
- your website is broken and out of date
- your website doesn't reflect your message
- your marketing strategy has changed
At the end of the day, a well-designed, user-friendly, up-to-date website is an important opportunity to reinforce confidence in your brand, product, service and your organization.
4x3 is your partner for Web Design and Development
From creating user-friendly websites to developing beautiful custom modules, 4x3 is your go-to partner for all your Web needs! Our expertise in web design and development has companies returning to us, year after year.
Contact us for a web design consultation, and we will work with you to help you create the best website to compliment your company and your brand. Already have a website? We would be more than happy to give you a website audit to identify your site's strengths and vulnerabilities. Contact 4x3 today! »